I decided to make everything on the blog up-to-date today. Otherwise, it would be challenging to recall what I have done during the past few days.
Today was a rainy day just like yesterday and according to the weather forecast, tomorrow would expect the similar weather. Anyway, I don't mind bad weather. Rainy days would be just perfect for working because my concentration can't shaken so easily by the sunshine.
While I was updating this blog, Clair came to me to tell me that Yemima, the Israeli painter who stay at Korpusstadir the other SIM residence, was on the phone and would like to talk with me. Yemima is an intense person as an Israeli could be. She said she would like to visit me at Seljavegur today between 1 and 2 p.m. I had no idea why she would like to see me. Anyway, I didn't mind. She came around 1.30 p.m. Her visit was brief. Perhaps, my work didn't interest her. Never mind...
Then, I made pasta with pesto for lunch. As my shelf in the fridge became quite empty, my meals has become less delicate. I just wanted to get rid of old food before the next food shopping.
After lunch, I continued the tree making, beginning around 4 p.m. At 9.15 p.m., I finished 2 sets of the tree roots as the photo below. I hope to finish at least one more set of roots before the next trip (supposedly on Wednesday when the weather would be warm and sunny).
I started making a new set of the tree's roots and continued it until 12.15 a.m (rather late again)...